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Watching the sunset from Lee's hangar after a hard day at various attitudes.

Airtourer Aerobatic Camp

(Not an official Airtourer Association activity.)

Airtourer enthusiasts gathered over the weekend of 17-18 February to hone their aerobatic skills.

The weekend was very successful, particularly in re-engaging with lapsed &inactive members. Most flying was done in the morning to avoid the heat of the day. The afternoons were used for ground school, discussion about aerobatic competition and general Airtourer discussion.

 Seven association members joined us, two with their wives.

Our instructor, David Pilkington, Aerobatic Club member and Pitts builder Daryl Clee, and wife Jo were also present.

 We had a great dinner at Tattersalls Hotel on Saturday night with spirited discussion across the table on a wide range of aviation topics.

The weekend saw Andrew Merrett doing his AFR with David Pilkington and flying VVZ for the first time in 6 years. Marty Moore made a good start on his initial training for an aerobatic endorsement in CRK. Ian Close was active flying both his Airtourer VVZ and Lazer LZA.

Before the weekend closed, we debriefed the gathering and began planning the 2024 event we intend to move to post-Easter, potentially 9-11 May 2025.

 We are grateful to Lee Gordon-Brown for the hospitality of his hangar, for both aircraft and people.