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New Life Members

The 2023 AGM granted life membership to three members who were instrumental in forming the Airtourer Association, Robert (Bob) Page, Harry Couzin and Doug Stott.

Helen Bob Page 22Mar23 web

Robert (Bob) Page with his wife Helen.

Bob Page could be considered the ‘father’ of the association due to his letter to the editor of AOPA magazine in May 1977 and associated advertisement seeking interest in forming an Airtourer group. A follow-up letter in the August issue, and meeting at the RAC of NSW on 17 August 1977, led to the formation of the Airtourer Association. The inaugural President was Harry Couzin with Bob taking on the roles of Secretary and Treasurer pending the first AGM. Doug Stott was unable to attend but took on the role of Southern Region Representative and was instrumental in the success of the initial AGM.

Doug Stott and Harry Couzin

Doug Stott and Harry Couzin.

The inaugural AGM was held over the Australia Day weekend in 1978 at Griffith NSW, where Sonny Rankin took over as President and Doug Stott Secretary, a role he held until 1984.

One of the concerns that drove Bob to start the ball rolling was the ongoing spares support since AESL had ceased Airtourer production. One of the significant early achievements was the formation of the Airtourer Co-operative, which purchased all the Airtourer property, real and intellectual, and continues to provide support today.

The efforts of these original members cemented a sound foundation on which the association and co-operative grew. The active groups that exist today, and the continued support of the aeroplane, result from those efforts.