All Airtourer Association members are invited to the Gympie Aerodrome Fly In and Community Open day on 5-6 August 2017.
Come and join the owners of "Tippy", Airtourer 115, VH-TPY, at Sunshine Coast Flight Training. Their CFI, Tim Holland, is a huge Airtourer fan and welcomes any visiting Airtourers this weekend, or for that matter, at any time.
Last year there were a couple of thousand visitors, along wth a large number of aircraft flying in as well as many vintage motor vehicles and motorbikes in attendance. You are welcome to fly in from the Friday or Saturday, and I could assist your members with accommodation, catering, and transportation needs.
See the flyers below.
For more information contact:
Paul Garrahy ("Tippy" syndicate member)
Event Organiser
Gympie Aero Club
Mob: 0436474011